Belly Fat Free

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How to quickly lose belly fat

Have you ever wondered how some people tend to quickly lose belly fat.Often times belly fat can be reduced with exercises to reduce and shape other areas of the body too!  For example, flabby, saggy or shapeless arms can be a huge problem for women around the world, especially if they want to go out and wear their pretty sleeveless top or classy dresses or bathing suits during the warm weather.  By adding arm exercises to your workout regimen you can cut belly fat and tone your most visible asset, your arms!  Most of the time, women have flabby arms as a result of little muscle tone or excess fat on their arms.  Proper diet, exercise and muscle conditioning can tone your arms (and other flabby areas of your body) and help you lose belly fat.
When looking to the adipose tissue (fat) from your abdomen there are many factors to consider.  First, never resort to fad diets and improper and unhealthy exercise techniques or habits.  This defeats the purpose.  Fad diets aren't sustainable and if they even work, which they rarely do, the results won't last.  This leaves you in the same if not worse situation in the long run.  If you're honestly tired of having a flabby belly then you need to understand some basic science behind weight loss and exercise conditioning!
Weight loss happens in 2 ways, fewer calories consumed and more calories burned.  We already know how we can cut calories from our diet, but few know that muscle conditioning is a GREAT way to burn more calories.  That's right!  In addition to your normal diet and cardio routine, simply adding a weight training component can create the perfect storm that will burn belly fat in no time!  The reason this works so effectively is that adding muscle mass to your body increases metabolic rate to sustain the newly created muscle mass.  Increasing metabolic rate is a way to essentially burn fat while you sleep (or rest, or eat, or anything else!).
So to really get the biggest bang for your buck you need to increase your metabolic rate as well as cut calories from your diet.
Muscle conditioning though doesn't just help to burn belly fat (and other fat throughout your body) it also helps to strengthen and protect your body from injury.  That is, you should be doing this anyway!  Ever try and bend over to pick up your kids' toys off the ground and feel an ache in your lower back?  This can be caused by the imbalance created from a weak back and flabby belly combination!  So to reduce the fat in your belly is really only half of the problem.  You should also be working to increase the strength in the complementary area, your back!
The key to burning fat is truly a well balanced exercise and diet plan that helps you to reach all of your fitness goals.  And almost by accident, you'll achieve the goal you set out to in the first place, a tone, flat, sexy stomach that everyone will envy!
Also another thing to add when we are talking about weight loss, especially in the belly region. Always drink a lot of water, Infact i would recommend shooting for at least 1 gallon of water a day! That will help achieve weightloss much faster, and will allow your body to rid all of those nasty built up toxins. So remember less calories in, more calories spent, and you will lose the weight and achieve a belly fat free physique in no time!